Sunday, November 30, 2008

Well, Thanksgiving has come and we wait for Christmas to creep upon us. This year has gone by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday JD and I were living in Memphis and planning a wedding not knowing which city we would be sent to next. That was 3 years ago! Or even meeting JD for the first time and Boise and spending every day since with each other and enjoying every minute...and that was 6 years ago!
My family came to visit for thanksgiving this year at our house.....our FULL house! The only thing that was missing was our little Baby Hanks. But thats ok...we are praying that this year was our last year without him/her :)
I am trying to keep our blog updated as often as possible, but unfortunately, there isnt much happening at this time. Hopefully, after the first of the year we will have more to share!! :)

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