Saturday, January 17, 2009

Doll-a Doll-a Bills Ya'll...

So this post is more for JD to get out his most recent annoyance with peoples reactions to "We are adopting a baby!" Instead of hearing "Congratulations!" or "How exciting!" you would if you had just found out that someone you know was carrying a little gummy bear sized bundle of joy inside their uterus....the first words out of their mouths are "Wow, that's expensive." Of course its expensive. It isnt any cheaper if you pop them out yourselves. (I hope that doesnt offend anyone!) But the point is, we are so very excited for this experience and journey and are so thankful that we have learned from others who have been through this already. We've learned how to answer "those kinds of questions" that we are met with when the subject comes about.
We are so thankful to those of you who have shared your journey with us and we cant wait meet our little one and pass on what we have learned to other PAP's. :)

PS: We are almost finished with the planning of the Baby Hanks Adoption Auction for our Adoption Journey and for Two Hearts for Hope. Details to come......


Jami said...

This makes teh journey memorable! it will all pay off soon enough :) xoxo

Kim said...

The comments suck and they do not get any easier or less offensive when you bring your little one home. I am constantly amazed at the ignorance and cojones (for lack of a better word) that people have!

It is great to have a blogger community that is there to laugh and cry with you through this wonderful, amazing journey of faith.

BTW - still amazed at your radio ad. THANK YOU!

Do you read Regina's blog or know her? She is in Charleston too, I believe.

Two Hearts For Hope Radio Spot

Listen to the Two Hearts For Hope PSA now playing in Charleston! WWW.TWOHEARTSFORHOPE.ORG

Lowcountry Forever Families Festival Spot